Absolutely agree. I used to believe that you should vote for the person, regardless of party. But, I've been voting Blue up and down the ballot since GW Bush since every Republican in office and running for office votes in lock step with the MAGA agenda.

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BTW, It's obvious to me (polls which I should not look at) that the Rs are now throwing the bucks at many campaigns because the polls are tightening. How I wish I could tell the people who are going to vote R because of inflation that it is a WORLDWIDE phenomenon and that, from my view, is directly related to the two year pandemic. It's kind of like an earth-quake (you should know about these Dan, being from SF) and you have an after shock. This is where we are now...in a period of after shock from the mighty wave of covid and all of its destruction. Inflation will ease within the year, but the ending of a democracy will last forever.

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As noted here ( https://twitter.com/_silversmith/status/1565660036952645633 ),

"Not all Republicans today are fascist, but most of them have decided the fascism of MAGA isn't a deal-breaker."

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Actually--that is my definition of "proto-fascist."

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No significant difference between the two.

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Whatever we may think about individual Republicans, the Republican Party is currently unfit to hold any power. It doesn't matter how "moderate" any one elected Republican is if they give the majority to Kevin McCarthy or Mitch McConnell.

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The key graph noting that for Biden to win he needs Rs. That is quite a statement on the state of the Dem party. After 6 years of incredible work to unelect Trump who trashed the country and pass a Dem agenda with Trifecta re-election depends on Rs. If Dems work did not persuade people to move to our side we need serious change of strategy and tactics to build a true majority.

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Something strange (at least to my naive eye) is that in the races I see ads for, MAGAs seem to be almost dropping Inflation and focusing on Crime and Immigration. Do they suddenly sense the heat going out of that issue? Meanwhile, Dem issues are still potent and candidates are quite adept at keeping Dobbs, democracy, MAGA extremism, and our own accomplishments at the forefront of our arguments. I continue to be more optimistic than the usual run of pundits.

I am naive, because I think either Jan 6 or Dobbs alone should have resulted in a lopsided vote for Dems.

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Much easier to create an “other” to fear with immigration and crime than with inflation.

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022

No doubt. And reassuring numbers on the President's approval today are a good sign with much work to do before November. I hate the idea of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker. Let's all keep pulling together. (I was a little sorry to see Val Demings keep her distance from President Biden here in Florida, while Charlie Crist has chosen to campaign with him. I think/hope Charlie has made the right calculation).

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Here’s an example of the hypocrisy around the Dem ads for some MAGA candidates: chuck Todd, Tapper, Axelrod, and about half of NPR are all able to describe any and every outrageous MAGA stunt in even, controlled and emotionless voices. But when the topic of Dem ads for these extremists come up, they suddenly abandon the dulcet tones and become Joe Lieberman, throbbing with moral outrage. Give me a break. It’s as though they are trying to outdo one another in a Holier Than Thou contest. Please! Give me the practical politics of Dan Pfeiffer or David Plough. Better places to spend the money abound. Like on Val Demmings.

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All we have to do is look at where the 10 Republicans who voted for the articles of impeachment (2nd impeachment) are today. One way or the other, the Republican Party has cast out all but 2 of them. And these are the voters speaking.

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Thanks Dan for echoing the sentiment I think we all feel right now, and also what Judd Legum posted yesterday: https://popular.info/p/the-one-republican-party

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Thanks Dan. I always appreciate your perspective.

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