Aug 9, 2021Liked by Dan Pfeiffer

Since the debt ceiling became truly weaponized and most of us first became aware not about its consequences but about the stupidity of some in Congress willing to breach it for political gain, I have wondered why a President doesn’t always do what Dan suggested—get it out of the way at the outset of each term. Once this process became Gingriched (my term), it’s like an idiot crook bringing a nuclear warhead to rob the corner drugstore. A robber so stupid he or she can’t comprehend the crazy mismatch of threat versus gain.

Can we please hold the House and gain enough seats in the Senate in ‘22 to protect voting rights and election results, reform or end the filibuster, reform and expand the federal judiciary, bring in a couple of states, protect Choice, and get rid of any mechanism like this, that let’s the Idiot Wing of the Republican Party hold outsized sway?

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I'm with you, but 2022 will be too late. By then the gerrymandering will have been done, voter suppression will be locked into place, and election subversion - conservatives' ultimate goal - will create chaos.

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Aug 9, 2021Liked by Dan Pfeiffer

I was pretty young when those first debt ceiling conversations happened, so thank you for this recap and reminder! This is an interesting conversation, so I’m curious to see what they’ll do.

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At the very least Biden should propose just eliminating the limit. He can always "compromise down to an increase in the limit. Or how about including in any spending or re-authorization bill a clause authorizing and increase in the debt limit by the X years cost of the bill?

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Now that Janet Yellen is recommending regular order for passing the debt ceiling, does anyone know why?

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Great article... very informative! I think more progressive Dems should be OK with reducing the total reconciliation package in order to get debt ceiling raising in the bill so it can easily pass and never be an issue again. Let's say the package is knocked down to $2.5T (find out what the magical number is from moderate House and Senate Dems). That is still gigantic and will contain tons of good stuff. A progressive dem isn't going to lose a heavily blue district by compromising on what is still a massive spending bill. However, all dems in moderate districts will get wiped out when the debt ceiling hammer is used by R's. Whatever it takes to keep legislative decisions this important out of R hands is the right move. Put it in reconciliation and settle it instead of giving the Rs a scorched earth option. Don't ever give the Rs perceived political.high ground by a debt ceiling showdown.

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Igor4 min ago

The idea that Dems would think you could pressure Republicans into raising the debt ceiling is so disappointing. Republicans would like nothing more than to cause a major crises of any kind. They understand how pathetically uninformed swing voters are, and they know they can set the country on fire and the right wing propaganda machine will make swing voters believe that it's the Democrats fault because they control the House, Senate, and presidency.

Even after the fascist GOP members of Congress continue supporting an ongoing insurrection with their silence, Democrats still think they can reason with them. They still don't understand what they're dealing with.

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