Jan 11·edited Jan 11

I believe Christie should have stayed in the race. I'm not sure his exit did much more than save gas. Maybe that's a good thing, but having someone who actually called Trump a fraud and a liar and was not named Liz Cheney from the Republican Party was a good thing on any day. Christie was right about Haley--and she would be a disaster in the White House.

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Damaged as he is/was, Christie was a truth teller within the bubble.

Gonna miss that.

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I think the real question is how much does this hurt Lovett?

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Tony 😎🦆🦆

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When I taught college level I used to give points for laughing at my jokes.

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Maybe I picked up five?

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If we’re lucky both Trump and Haley will emerge very damaged from the primary. Probably not but one can dream. While Haley is not a lunatic like Trump she is still a bad person with bad policies that would hurt America so limited her political future is a worthy goal.

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I watched Dan's free episode of Poller Coaster last night - Sarah Longwell said something about a Haley scenario that would put DeSantis' political in the deep freeze never to be unfrozen. That made me smile.

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I am an FOP and I can't get Poller-coaster on my phone yet? I will try again.

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I wonder, if Haley comes out of NH being fawned over by the media (for winning or for nipping at Trump's heels)...

The likely ensuing Truth Social meltdown could be epic. If it's nasty and unhinged enough, could that deter a few GOP or right-leaning independents from voting for him in the general?

Would that plus Christie's departure spur any realignment among donors that could impact the general?

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Oh--- We know what happens then. The Press Goobers will have her "spitting diamonds and eating fire." God help us.

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Two questions/comments:

First, Is voting in huge numbers against Trump is a good thing, no? I know for the rabid MAGA heads it matters not at all but shouldn’t it show something that there is the anti-Trump movement?

Two, why are we wanting Haley again? She’s the wolf in sheep’s clothing that I think is a bigger threat for Biden. She’ll bring in the white suburban women, she’s palatable with her inoffensive rhetoric, and she’s not crazy. I don’t think the racist misogynists of the Republican Party will ever allow her to be their nominee but she stands up better against Biden IMO.

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When I talk to my Dem parents, they think Haley would be “not that bad”. I keep reminding them that it is the same policies in a more palatable personality.

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This is my concern. Haley is the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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Oh goodness. It is that kind of stuff that scares me.

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Early I commented that I thought the predictions of the Trump romp through the primary was premature, and it was too much focus on Trump. This was waaay back in early 2023. Well, I was wrong. It is clear, based on Dan's analysis, that Haley has no chance. It is Trump's primary to lose. It is time Dems buckle up and stop mourning and organize like hell--2024 is ours to lose.

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It seems to me that Haley, like Ramaswamy, is just not known to national voters. Any brief fling as media darling may soon give way to dislike once voters understand who she is vs. who she pretends to be.

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I disagree. If she wins NH she will be the media darling and momentum will build and then I think there is a good chance that GOP voters will wake up and realize that Haley is their best chance to beat Biden. Also, if she ends up wining 40 percent of the vote throughout and Trump is convicted before the convention, she has a very good shot to get the nomination in a brokered convention. That's why she will stay in the race throughout. Coming in a respectable 2nd place is important in this primary.

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The idea of a brokered GOP convention may be as ephemeral as GOP leadership.

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