I agree this is a good framing on the economic / inflation / budget attack.

I'm seeing and hearing absolutely disgusting attack ads trying to frame prop 3 in Michigan, which would codify Roe into the MI constitution, as Dems want to make your kid trans without your knowledge. They are linking Biden by name and taring any other Dem they think they can at the same time. Thoughts on how to respond to it? For information prop 3 had more signatures than any other ballot initiative in MI history but I'm seeing almost exclusively anti-prop 3 signs and ads.

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022

Re: PROP 3 (Michigan) - make the case that every word opponents have said about the proposal is a lie. Intentionally a lie. Whether it’s the church saying it or a craven politician or an oversized sign or a commercial during the football game, every message has been a lie. Why would they make up stuff? Why not win on the truth? Why? Because the truth is that Prop 3 is basic, fundamental Republicanism - limited government, personal freedom. The truth is Prop 3 says YOU decide about your health care and about your family.

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Sadly too many voters are not engaged enough to pay attention to anything other than a slogan on a bumper sticker. Hopefully there's enough willing to pay a little more attention.

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022

It's great to see him go on the offensive on economic concerns; better late than never. If voters are going to cast their vote for a Republican, they should at least know that they are voting against their own pocketbook interests – retirees for example, with Social Security cuts and drug costs. It's frustrating that there is so much negativity about the economy. (FWIW, in our part of New England, workers at all levels are still in high demand and they continue to have high job mobility and increasing wages.) No question that inflation is a burden and a big gripe with people (even those who can easily swallow the higher prices. But inflation is a global problem – not a result of Biden economics – despite what right wing media yell every single day. If anyone deserves blame for domestic inflation, it's the Fed, which waited far too long to act to tighten and tamp down demand. And a very fair criticism of Biden is that he chose to re-appoint Powell as Fed Chair.

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The Gouging Our Prices (GOP) party is ripping us off at the gas pump and everywhere else with GOP’s corporate greed inflation! Red states are the unsafe, gun violence, murder capitols of the nation! And the GOP is all up in our uterus! Vote OUT all GOP! VOTE BLUE!!!

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022

Excellent points on fighting back on inflation/economy worries. Just hope it is not too late! Messaging on GOP intention to cut Social Security and Medicare needs to include point that most employees are paying into these programs through payroll deductions. Baby Boomers are finally getting the benefits, and many pay taxes on their SS income. For what Dems should do if we lose the House Nov 8, read Paul Krugman: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/17/opinion/republican-debt-federal-budget.html

"So what should be done to avert this threat? If Republicans do gain control of one or both houses in November, Democrats should use the lame-duck session to enact a very large rise in the debt limit, enough to put the issue on ice for years. Republicans and pundits who don’t understand the stakes would furiously attack this move, but it would be far better than enabling extortion — and would probably be forgotten by the time of the 2024 election." Otherwise, he points to use of legal strategies.

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Good work!

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Can somebody PLEASE take the Lux or similar talking points and boil them down to several easy-to-understand and EASY TO SHARE videos and images - something not buried behind a Twitter interface, for example. We have the message, need the messenger. Or messengers, in the thousands.

Sounds like a great project for Crooked Media!

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