The only way this works is if Dems can control the messaging around these initiatives AND explain them in simple, elegant terms. AND cohesively repeat the same messages. Often. Additionally, it would be a great idea if Dems started point out that trump’s tax travesty is going to cost people money starting this year. Otherwise, the GOP will make sure to twist the message so that it seems that Biden’s initiatives are what are causing the rise in taxes.
Go Big -- couldn't agree more -- such good news in these numbers, Dan. Two things I wonder about 1. can we continue to define "unity" as Americans coming together to get things done? and 2. why are the Senate rules and language so freaking impenetrable?! It's so hard for normal Americans to engage -- even the Catholic church stopped doing mass in Latin. Really screws up the messaging!
Why isn't the Democratic leadership better at both highlighting Mitch's obstruction (that he is not "for the people") and making clear exactly what is in their proposals? I know we always bitch about this, but I'm not whining, I really don't understand why the leadership is so bad at framing their message. Why is this hard?
I wonder whether they get so caught up in "insider speak" and in their own strategies, that they simply forget the importance of communicating clearly and directly to the public. Some are very good at this (Bernie, Katie Porter, Sean Patrick Maloney...), but the leadership is not, so the national audience doesn't hear the good stuff. The pressure we can bring on our own legislators is, after all, an essential ingredient in getting things passed.
So, are we trusting polls now? Just kidding. I absolutely agree the only way to govern now is to go big for two reasons. 1) Those initiatives are the right things to do for the country's sake. People are getting crushed. We can't dance around the margins here. 2) Dems are so clueless and toothless with messaging and campaigning that we're going to get slaughtered in the midterms, regardless. So, at least get tons of big stuff done before getting wiped out :-)
1. Isn't the $15 minimum President Biden (I just so enjoy writing and saying that) proposing for federal workers only? Or has that changed?
2. What do you think is the likelihood the "For the People Act" or any of its individual provisions become law? Seems like dead in the water to me (given that R's powers comes from voter suppression).
3. What in the living hell is the deal with the R's wanting to SPLIT the relief package? (That's not really a question; just an acknowledgement that they obviously know no people who have non-Congressional jobs, a mortgage/rent or lack of access to healthcare.
4. Do you think the book "Don't Think of an Elephant!" still has relevance today?
The only way this works is if Dems can control the messaging around these initiatives AND explain them in simple, elegant terms. AND cohesively repeat the same messages. Often. Additionally, it would be a great idea if Dems started point out that trump’s tax travesty is going to cost people money starting this year. Otherwise, the GOP will make sure to twist the message so that it seems that Biden’s initiatives are what are causing the rise in taxes.
Go Big -- couldn't agree more -- such good news in these numbers, Dan. Two things I wonder about 1. can we continue to define "unity" as Americans coming together to get things done? and 2. why are the Senate rules and language so freaking impenetrable?! It's so hard for normal Americans to engage -- even the Catholic church stopped doing mass in Latin. Really screws up the messaging!
The Latin Mass metaphor is perfect!
Why isn't the Democratic leadership better at both highlighting Mitch's obstruction (that he is not "for the people") and making clear exactly what is in their proposals? I know we always bitch about this, but I'm not whining, I really don't understand why the leadership is so bad at framing their message. Why is this hard?
I think that they think that the American people are all reading this message board. Common sense talk Dem leaders! Geez.
I wonder whether they get so caught up in "insider speak" and in their own strategies, that they simply forget the importance of communicating clearly and directly to the public. Some are very good at this (Bernie, Katie Porter, Sean Patrick Maloney...), but the leadership is not, so the national audience doesn't hear the good stuff. The pressure we can bring on our own legislators is, after all, an essential ingredient in getting things passed.
So, are we trusting polls now? Just kidding. I absolutely agree the only way to govern now is to go big for two reasons. 1) Those initiatives are the right things to do for the country's sake. People are getting crushed. We can't dance around the margins here. 2) Dems are so clueless and toothless with messaging and campaigning that we're going to get slaughtered in the midterms, regardless. So, at least get tons of big stuff done before getting wiped out :-)
A few questions:
1. Isn't the $15 minimum President Biden (I just so enjoy writing and saying that) proposing for federal workers only? Or has that changed?
2. What do you think is the likelihood the "For the People Act" or any of its individual provisions become law? Seems like dead in the water to me (given that R's powers comes from voter suppression).
3. What in the living hell is the deal with the R's wanting to SPLIT the relief package? (That's not really a question; just an acknowledgement that they obviously know no people who have non-Congressional jobs, a mortgage/rent or lack of access to healthcare.
4. Do you think the book "Don't Think of an Elephant!" still has relevance today?
I agree but you will have to get Joe, Joe and Sinema in a room and say, 'have you had enough?' And as an aside "Tim Kaine, please just SIT DOWN".