Feb 24, 2022·edited Feb 24, 2022

Wouldn't hurt for Rupert Murdoch and his complicit sock puppets at Fox Propaganda to be "called out" too.

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NPR is reporting that oil prices are surging in response to Russia starting their invasion - well before a bigger response from the Biden admin. Couple that with the remembering that back in 2016, the Republican Party rolled over in submissive urination (weak!) to the Trump campaign and changed their platform away from democratic and sovereign Ukraine toward fascist Putin... Does that create any viable opening to assert that the GOP paved the way for this war and the death, destruction, and high gas prices it brings?

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Yes, but, Democrats are too timid to attack for the most part. Porter and Swalwell and Schiff and Waters and the Squad on the House side, and Klobuchar and Schatz and Warren and Whitehouse on the antebellum Senate side, that’s about it. The rest of them need to step up their game considerably.

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Feb 25, 2022·edited Feb 25, 2022

I was living in Atlanta when Saxby Chambliss ran a despicable Senate campaign accusing Max Cleland of cowardice and weakness. Cleland was a triple amputee caused by a hand grenade in Vietnam. Silver Star and Bronze Star winner. Chambliss and his campaign consultant put Max’s face next to bin Laden and Saddam Hussein because Max had questions about the regrettable Patriot Act. Horrible, but at least it revealed just how sleazy and despicable Republicans are.

They are of course worse now. So let’s not hesitate to demonstrate what disloyal, lying, egotistical, and truly reprehensible these GOP sleazes are.

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And it would help a lot if Pelosi and Schumer would come out swinging, sadly, they care more about protecting the institution than crushing the GOP.

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The GOP has overestimated the appetite for backing Russia’s war. They are going down.

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Once again we are going to have to combat Republican positions on issue after issue. We need to address them in real time because there won't be long intervals between their torrents of lies and distortions. Does the Democratic Party have a committee dedicated to this constant need for presentation and rebuttal? If not, they had better create one immediately. The situation was bad before, but now that war has begun in Ukraine, it is crucial.

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Thanks Dan.

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