If, as Bacon writes, the reality is that Republicans push every issue into the zero-sum fight between the parties, I wonder how coordinated that is. Is it coincidence that attacks are coming in on both culture and pocketbook issues, or is an unseen hand moving the pieces as part of a grand strategy of putting us on the defense on all fronts?
I agree with your continued emphasis that winning cannot be done by trumpeting competence and good stuff alone. It might be hard to convince some to set aside their high road principles. But the persuadable, targeted audience, not so ideological, can appreciate harsher tactics, the offense. Alan Alda returns the briefcase intact in West Wing fantasies.
But if Biden administration will not accept that not having a contingent plan for evacuating all the Afghans who would need to be evacuated IF the Taliban were successful was a mistake, then It has no defense at all. [Of course that was not part of Trump's agreement because he cares nothing for refugees.] There is no way that people will believe that Kabul airport scene (why not Bagram?) was the absolute least worst outcome.
This does not detract from the point that the MSM should not be making this into the "crime of the century" as the did with Hillary's emails.
If, as Bacon writes, the reality is that Republicans push every issue into the zero-sum fight between the parties, I wonder how coordinated that is. Is it coincidence that attacks are coming in on both culture and pocketbook issues, or is an unseen hand moving the pieces as part of a grand strategy of putting us on the defense on all fronts?
I agree with your continued emphasis that winning cannot be done by trumpeting competence and good stuff alone. It might be hard to convince some to set aside their high road principles. But the persuadable, targeted audience, not so ideological, can appreciate harsher tactics, the offense. Alan Alda returns the briefcase intact in West Wing fantasies.
But if Biden administration will not accept that not having a contingent plan for evacuating all the Afghans who would need to be evacuated IF the Taliban were successful was a mistake, then It has no defense at all. [Of course that was not part of Trump's agreement because he cares nothing for refugees.] There is no way that people will believe that Kabul airport scene (why not Bagram?) was the absolute least worst outcome.
This does not detract from the point that the MSM should not be making this into the "crime of the century" as the did with Hillary's emails.