DeSantis doesn’t actually need to say “Trump lost” or that he’s a loser. He just needs to hint that Trump can’t oust Joe Biden.

If team DeSantis had any sense, they would say “Look, you can think whatever you want about 2020, but only one io two things are possible. Either DJT, as a sitting US President, allowed Joe Biden to steal the election or he lost. If he couldn’t stop him from stealing the election when he was president, how’s he going to stop him from stealing it now that he’s not president?”

Don’t necessarily say that Trump lost, just imply that if he didn’t, then he was too weak to stop Joe Biden from stealing it. If the R base won’t let DeSantis even hint at the idea that Trump made a mistake, then this primary is a total joke and waste of time.

That said, DeSantis has the charisma and charm of a cowbell in a wind tunnel. Trumps probably just going to eat him alive anyway.

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I think reporters and debate moderators will work hard to make him give an answer to that question.

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Yes and that may sink him, but if he doesn’t make it, it will be because he doesn’t have the necessary skill as a candidate, not because R primary voters aren’t open to that sort of message.

What DeSantis needs to do is criticize Trump without criticizing the people who believe all of Trumps BS. I don’t think he can pull off that high wire act. It’s not impossible, but it’s probably too much for DeSantis.

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Of all the things I hate about De Santis - there are probably too many to count - it's his cruelty that makes me lose my mind. Why is his extreme cruelty - to kidnapped immigrants, people who are trans or gay, school teachers - OK with the American public? To me, as with Trump, cruelty is a major disqualifer. Are we really down to choosing the guy (sic) who can be the biggest bully? And "Christian" nationalists are good with this?

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As a Florida resident, I see far too much of DeSantis. He does okay in a tightly controlled environment where no one asks questions he doesn’t want to answer. Occasionally some reporter or activist will put him on the spot. Thin-skinned, hot-headed and flustered don’t begin to describe him in that situation. In the first scrum of non-docile press (especially if they have a hot issue they’re all focused on), this guy will melt like pudding on over-heated fingers. (What is it with MAGA candidates lately and finger and hand issues?)

I still believe that if we work hard enough, there is a potential blue wave in 2024.

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Hey Dan, could you update us on the Durham Report from good sources? Seems like yet again mainstream media took the bait. https://www.salon.com/2023/05/17/duped-by-durham-media-fall-for-the-spin-on-report-about-probe/

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DeSantis' predicament in the winner vs loser lane makes sense to rational people. But we're talking about Republicans.

Based on his actions, it seems like DeSantis may be trying to pave a lane on the base's desire for cruelty ("challenges woke ideas" and "make liberals angry" in the YouGov poll). Trump may have banned trans Americans from serving in the military, but DeSantis is literally persecuting trans adults and children. Trump may have quietly busted up migrant families until the practice was exposed, but DeSantis made a spectacle out of kidnapping them. Trump may have perverted the census to dilute immigrant voting power, but DeSantis literally hauled black voters out of their houses in their under wear and handcuffs. Etc, etc, etc. In the Republican world where it is bizarrely possible to be winners and victims at the same time, a plausible route for DeSantis to differentiate himself from Trump is to be more successful at using the powers of government to enact hate, persecution, and cruelty. That is a lane he can exploit without challenging the delusion of the Big Lie.

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Why, aside from ego, would DeSantis think he is "ready for prime time" when it has been apparent a long time that so many in the base would vote for DJT -- and that the other potential nominees also have no spine? Waste of resources. Waste of time contemplating that primary until and if a major change occurs.

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