President Biden absolutely knocked it out of the park last night. Dark Brandon is kicking ass. Joe needs to have a monthly SOTU, if for no other reason, than the opportunity for America to see marge three toes do her clown act. That smarmy little weasel, Alfred e Neuman lookalike house speaker was like a bobble head doll unable to decide whether to bobble side to side or up and down. He looked as uncomfortable as hell. I loved it. God the republicans looked depressed, didn’t they? If ignorance is bliss, why do they look like death warmed over? You would think the Q-ball Republicans hate America and all Americans. They are pitiful. Joe Biden is OUR American Hero. FOUR MORE YEARS. FOUR MORE YEARS. FOUR MORE YEARS.

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You said it, Hoyt. A relief, and excitement I didn't expect to feel. As Witt. said once: Now I Can Go On. Was so happy throughout the entuire thing, and then omg that woman who replied. A new level of awful. Thank you Joe and team thank you thank you. Now we truly fight.

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The Republicans chose as their rebuttal pawn a creepy gold cross laden lady from alabama, suitably standing in the kitchen over a hot stove, barefoot and pregnant, weeping and gnashing her teeth that people are dying. She really was quite prophetic but really, really dumb. She got it backwards; it is her Jesus on earth that has created the ‘suffering’ and whose actions have been killing people for years.

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Super creepy--and hypocritical. She helped negotiate the bipartisan border legislation in the Senate and then immediately dumped it at Trump's request. Then she painted up those vulgar , violent images and linked them all to the abject failures of Joe Biden. Right out of some kind of horror movie. Really repugnant to watch. I wonder who wrote her script? I hope it included a towel to dry her tears.

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That performative breathiness

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Just so over the top. Ooof!

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It's worth reading Jess Piper's piece on "that voice" https://open.substack.com/pub/jesspiper/p/the-fundie-baby-voice?r=4a6z9&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web. I think the R choice was absolutely appropriate for them. Showed so much of what they think about women.

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Unbelievable, what an excellent article, I am still shaking my head in disbelief as to how well this article points to so much that we should be scared as hell of. This is the very possible future we face with a Christo fascist existence.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Marco Rubio looked like he had swallowed a razor.

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He always looks like that...it has something to do with his bladder.

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Here's a thought for strategy going forward.... the R's need to be asked, over and over, what is THEIR plan to help Americans? What is THEIR plan for high prices at the grocery store? Unaffordable housing? Working people struggling with a low minimum wage? If most Americans are worried about the economy, maybe they have yet to understand that all Trump seems to care about is revenge on his enemies, pulling out of NATO, and building detention camps for migrants.

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tRump is really running to keep his sorry ass out of jail. He is not running for America; he's running for himself.

His cognitive abilities have diminished and decline daily. In lots of families, people's cognitive damage isn't really acknowledged until something bad happens such as they get lost and don't know how to get home. The family then can no longer overlook the situation. What is it going to take for people to realize this is where tfg is?

Dems- run clips of tfg at his rally where he lost words and a clip from the SOTU featuring Dark Brandon. Remind people daily of the difference between the two men and get Biden out in public more. The SOTO was fantastic!

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And I forgot one.... what is their plan for saving Social Security and Medicare for the younger people who are certain to need it as they grow older?

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You know the answer--to ban books and save your kids from becoming Trans. To elevate white privilege and undermine voting rights. To give giant tax breaks to billionaires and corporations. To deny climate change and even the Holocaust (what irony there). Become a strong-man state, and join the other tyrants in ruining life on Earth. We kind of know what they want to do to help the American people: gut democracy and make a culture of resentment, hate and guns. Now--how do we get the message out?

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You're right, I do know this is what they want to do. I just cannot figure out why Trump is polling so well if Americans are mostly worried about the price of groceries and the R's, including Trump, never talk about these concerns. I just hope Dems can break through to enough people that Trump really isn't planning to focus on any of the everyday issues they care about most.

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they want a daddy who oks their anger and shows you can escape institutions they dont trust and also the sort of christianity that britt represents

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I agree with you, but I'm still puzzled because then when these voters are polled they talk about inflation and prices. Maybe they're just not being honest about what they really want...

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Well, inflation seems high, even if it is getting better. Do you shop for meat or fish? Out of site for many unless terrible quality. I could give it up entirely but someone in my family will not. I think appearances can be weird. So can religion.

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What keeps us all up at nights--including Dan I bet!

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thank you dan and president biden! My heart was accelerating before the speech because i had caught the "bad" biden virus rapidly being spread by our weird press and weirder maga folk! (Shame on you mtg w your hat!!) but how thrilling to be reminded of age as an advantage and decency and intelligence as advantages!!!

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Impossible to shame her, but easy to make her out a fool. Which Joe did effortlessly.

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Beautifully said, Kathryn.describes me too. Done w the negativity and fear about Joe. It was a heartening night and I return to my better self.

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Ans yes, jeremy, gaza bunt and yet ive been waiting 50 years for a president to talk two state solution so there is that! Rashida seemed pleased relatively!

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Yes--I would have preferred a more 2024 answer to the Gaza and Israel policy. I get that it is complicated --and at 70 years old, I know where Biden comes from on the issue. All the same--we must do more. and I think delay on doing better here is dangerous on so many levels--but most especially to the Palestinian people.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

And, to make it clear how Republicans view women, they had a Stepford wife, sitting in a kitchen, wearing a large cross, do the Republican rebuttal by repeating her programming. I wonder if she was barefoot? I have no problem with anyone wearing religious objects of any kind. I do have a problem when then do this as representatives of a non-religious group. She was representing Republicans but clearly sent the message that she represents her type of Republican Christians. Don't forget the Republican "talking point" about her, listed first - America's mom - because women are only useful when they have children.

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Several months ago, I heard the question “… but are you a Jesus Christian or a Republican Christian?” I intend to use it.

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Here's another thought re: how R's view women. I have heard (though can't be sure how valid this is) that some R's (well the Christian Nationalists) would like to see 'no fault' divorce outlawed. I'd like to hear more about what this would mean, and if it really could be a thing the word needs to get out. R's are already concerned that enough people aren't getting married... can't imagine a more off-putting message than, "please get married... but remember, if you do, you can't get out of it ever, unless there is drastic abuse or adultery involved!" (Somebody correct me if I don't have the facts about what 'divorce only with cause' would actually mean.)

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Right. Talking to such a tiny band of people who think like her and dismiss the rest of is. Recommend thenew articles about “charismatic Christians” floating about out there. Sorry I cant give links Ive a post surg sling on dom arm cant stop writing but shouldnt be.

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Ok. Ok ok ok.

Look at the exuberance in all the comments here. Domestic and foreign media ate it up like the finest of cuisine. Even the German reporters were smiling and that says something.

He had the stage, he worked it like a champ. This was Best Biden.

He offered a vision with actual concrete steps. It was a Democratic Buffet of the highest order, addressing the three pillars of a functional democracy (quoting Thomas Friedman): Education, Immigration and Infrastructure.

He shit all over the Right and when he was interrupted, he pivoted and gave them hell. My heart did swell.

I almost needed a cigarette after the Education and Infrastructure promises, that's how boring my priorities are.


But he did not mention money. Not one word. It is an offered Democratic Party buffet with one glaring exception: money out of politics.

Yes, I'm a broken record. I believe in my heart that one single reform will allow responsible, good faith governance to resume.

Last night, Biden hit it out of the park. Best Biden. My heart did swell.

Now, just one thing to finish the job. Do it on his way out the door, give us one final present after all those years in Congress and the Executive - help fix it before you retire.

I'm an Independent, but:

Campaign Finance Reform and we have a deal. Campaign finance reform and you have my full support as everything else will follow good faith government.

Will Biden get re-elected without that promise? Probably, maybe?

But ask yourself, would he get re-elected with that promise AND we actually get a better government? Would America respond to an actual call to reform, see it happen and love Democrats for a generation?

Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, many of the old guard are on their way out. How about cleaning the place up before you leave?

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

But--I remember we still cannot pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Biden prominently raised that last night. He pledged himself to it--and I do believe you could get both voting rights and finance reform if the White House and Congress allied behind Democratic leadership. Yes--we need Campaign Finance Reform, but we need the "John Lewis Act" right up front and leading the way. If Trump is elected President--or we get a Republican Senate, or House, or both--then we will get nothing. Worse, we will get what Timothy Snyder referred to in Chapter 19 of ON TYRANNY as the wrong kind of patriotism. WE will be encouraged to "be our worst.," (p. 105).

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Totally agree, voting rights = democratic reform.

We can do both. Plus stop stripping the oceans, go to Mars, generate sustainable fusion, so many of the things...

Make K Street Cry 2024

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Love the brainstorm!

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OK, gotta find my copy and look up page 105 now....

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Shhhh . Just for a day or two my dear friend.

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I'm absolutely with you, C! Campaign finance reform! Repeal Citizens United, get legalized bribery OUT of politics!! I admit I'm very worried that the uber-wealthy corporate types now have such a 'lock' on our govt that it will never happen without a genuine revolution. I hope I'm wrong.

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Ask yourself, will we ever get more leverage than right now?

If this really is the battle for democracy, I want to see a battle plan that changes the tide, not just another promise that someone, sometime, somewhere will do it, honest to God.

Show me not just a constant churn but a real, honest to God functioning government at the end of all this bullshit.

Make politics boring again.

Make K Street Cry 2024

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Check out states rights project and movement voter pac!!! Incredible strategies, on the ground, and often really boring!!! But essential!

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We need a bumpersticker: Make Politics Boring Again!

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100% on board. Make our kids/grandkids resent us for not changing the channel.

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That's a good point about leverage. Maybe it really is time to seize the moment, if enough voters can connect the dots between the way campaigns are financed now and the kind of govt we have these days...

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9

Have to post standard disclaimer: Am Not A Democrat

But man, imagine a Convention in August that prioritized one (1), just one actual legit reform that is more than a dogfight over districting.

Imagine the momentum towards Democrats if they stood up and said, yeah, ok, it's been long enough, we've promised multiple generations, now let's do it:

Moonshot time. Let's tackle The Big One. Money.

Fuck Jamie Daimon. He's not God. Hey, Larry Fink, Blackrock: Fuck you, dude. I served my country, you suck out the juice like a leech. You grow, we suffer.

Don't be scared of Twitter or where ever online people are accelleratingly crazy. Zones, flooding, shit, etc.

When I was a kid we landed on the fucking moon with an electronic version of an abacus. Yeah, the world was different.

But we were promised reforms even then. Year over year, election over election, as steadily as This Is Not The Time To Talk About Gun Control, we have been promised substantive reform by the Democratic Party.

Have I mentioned why I'm an Independent?

Fuckin' money, man. My parents were Democrats, hard working dedicated motivated planning, bell-ringing, funding socializer-having Democrats to a fault.

We've been deliberately polarized into a 2-camp hegemony, no other parties or coalitions are allowed. Give your money here. Now, dammit, don't you see what the Republicans are doing?

Yes, I do.

But I also see you doing actual jack shit.

I saw Best Biden last night. Ok, dude and party: If the message is We can fucking be what we want to be, let's be that.

August. Convention. Money.

Please. Pretty please.

EDIT: served for? the fuck is my grammar...?

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I totally agree with you, C!! It's been frustrating to me as well that all the dark money, huge campaign contributions, basically legalized bribery (as has been said)... have been allowed to continue without nearly enough pushback. I fear that many Dems have gotten caught up in that as well. Sanders seems to be genuinely on board with getting big money out of politics, and we need way more like him! Money is just so corrupting... and now it seems as if one must be a multi-millionaire, or at least be able to raise millions, to even run for office. Corporate money and dark money are now so entrenched I don't know what it would take to get real reform. But real reform is desperately needed. The extreme inequality in this country is one of the factors driving extremism. I fear where it all might lead.

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Yes! Man I have not felt exuberance in a long time and frankly did not expect. It is what we need it gives the energy I have felt missing in myself.

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Right? The dude from France24 was practically giddy. Waves rippling through US & global media all day. Imagine all the new strategy talks that just got fired up with people who have been predicting US decline and are resigning themselves to it.

One thing that Marianne Williamson brought to the table in 2020 - does anyone remember her mentioning a collective sense of existential dread? It hit a note with the audience but when she tried to articulate it, her references and logic all fell apart (at least for me).

But collective existential dread is not just an essay answer on a lit or philosophy question. At least my brain says so, indefensibly and without any subjective measure(s) whatsoever.

Excuse me, gonna go hug a tree or a deer or something now.

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The two things (besides all that you mention) that I noticed: THIS is when Clarence Thomas chooses to recuse himself??? and when President Biden said emphatically "This is the United States of America..." not one Republican even flinched, let alone applauded. The country they supposedly are working for. Partisan politics is killing this country.

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You're correct, my spouse asked me "am I crazy or is Clarence Thomas MIA"? Yepper, coward in full effect.

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And I wish he had been there in public when Biden trained his laser eyes on the Supreme "Cult." That was a strong and very uncommon moment. But above all, Thomas is a prime suspect.

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I loved how they sat there motionless when mentioned. Yup - guilty as charged.

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Love the post on Instagram today with side by sides of Reagan and trump. I mean, don’t love either of them but love that they’re planning to make republicans look at what was and what is. Now I want one that show Marj in full tantrum that says something about this being democracy in action and then a pic of someone being silenced or dragged away in Russia that notes that this is “making your political opponents pay” or whatever it is trump said.

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Yes! I couldn't have been more wrong when I was worried about R's heckling Biden and believed it would get so bad that I was wishing they could be expelled. I'm so glad now that I rethought that bad idea, and I'm also glad that MTG etc. did heckle because it just shows them for what they are.

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At times it felt as the tone and tenor of the presidents delivery was similar to a fiery pentecostal sermon, down to the assembly participating. I find it helpful for his case that select members heckled the President and he mixed it up with them. It shows to anyone who doesn't follow politics that the Republicans are more serious about fundraising and conservative media clout than governing. The Gaza portion bothered me though. For a speech filled with big swings, it's discouraging to see a bunt.

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I wouldn’t call a full-throated endorsement of a two-state solution a bunt. Especially considering that neither Netanyahu nor Hamas wants this.

Overall, the Gaza section was fine with me. Biden pointed out what should be obvious: Hamas started this and has agency. He’s building a plague-on-both-your-houses stance, which is exactly right and that will resonate best with voters. I’d much rather this than a meaningless and futile call for a cease-fire.

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I was surprised to see how much time was spent on his domestic policy bucket list of 2021-22, including the remaining unpassed portions of BBB along with the updated voting rights act. (Of course abortion rights was also part of this, but it obviously was not surprising that he talked about that.) There was a huge strain of thought on the contrarian left that these portions were just kayfabe or "kabuki theater" and Biden never actually wanted to sign these into law (because he's secretly a dirty neolib moderate or whatever). Obviously this is silly, and if Biden really didn't want to pass them he wouldn't have tried, rather than spend ~six months publicly failing to get them passed. So it's really great that these are all still around and ready to be part of a post-inflation Biden second term agenda.

And I think it's really important that everyone in the Democratic coalition remember how close these things all came to passing, and how every item on the list could pass *next year* if Biden is reelected along with a Democratic congress! With Sinema and Manchin leaving the senate, any returning Democratic controlled senate will almost certainly have the votes to do away with the filibuster for voting rights and abortion rights! And even if there isn't 50 votes to do away with the filibuster altogether (which there might be!), there would still be 50 votes for a much more expansive reconciliation bill. This is a wonderful, positive message that isn't just being anti-Trump! And it's a great reminder for everyone to organize not just in the presidential battlegrounds, but also in Ohio, Montana, Texas, and Florida where senate control will be decided.

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Hey Dan,

Seems like you might have something you meant to go back and edit? There's a XXXX in the copy...

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I noticed this, too--it's at the first paragraph under the subheading 2. Joe Biden the Fighter--in the sentence ending with, "proposals to XXXX."

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That speech was a barn burner. I was cheering, and I hate political speeches. I don't think I've ever heard anyone chant "4 more years" at a SOTU before. The electric energy that the Dems and Joe brought was wonderful to see, and if folks were tuning in after tuning out for a long while, that will be a net positive. The lack of decorum on the part of the MAGAs was a turn off - though I'm not sure MAGAs would see it that way. I was hoping for a stronger challenge to Netanyahu specifically, and I was happy to see the Squad using the paddle signs. That was a classier way to make a point than yelling. I think the visual of the women wearing white to signal reproductive freedom was effective as well.

Moving forward, a few things I think need to happen include putting Kamala Harris in positions to shine and elevating her image so we can have confidence in her as the Veep and potentially as president should the worst happen. I am hoping for more executive orders banning Israeli settlers from moving in on Palestinian land - I don't know how that works, but Yair Rosenburg wrote about it and that is a powerful signal. I like the idea that they are increasing aid - but next steps are a much harder demand to cease hostilities and work to broker the peace and a 2 state solution - this will require regime change in Israel and Palestine, so that is a tricky one.

There's more, but this isn't my substack. I want to thank you, Dan, for keeping us on an even keel with the polling data. That helps.

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he needs to practice projecting his voice all the time like he did at this speech. The whispers and talking under his breath really feed into the too old narrative. The tone makes a massive difference.

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Totally heartening column and totally heartwarming comments! Keep it up and YES JOE!

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Appreciate the insight.

I’m finally feeling hopeful after Smokin’ Joe Biden’s SOTU. Dems need to look strong and reiterate that this election is a war on freedom and democracy. We need to fight like hell to save it. Biden nailed it.

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And that IS THE FACTS OF the matter. Autocracy is giving up your *vote.*

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