There is at least one big difference between the two visits: Biden is supporting the union picketers while Trump is speaking at a non-union shop.


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Long overdue. Unions have been bashed relentlessly my entire lifetime. It's ALWAYS been propaganda by the same mfers that hired the Pinkertons to beat unionists. We threw the baby out with the bath water because unions were "corrupt". Meanwhile the kings of capitalist corruption captured the reins of power and increased their wealth and power beyond comprehension. Long overdue for a corrective counter balance.

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Look at the lede on that Politico story: "Some Joe Biden allies fear that Donald Trump is outmaneuvering them on the auto workers’ strike . . ." This is so typical. "Some Joe Biden allies . . ." "Some Democrats . . ." "Some on the left . . ." With the exception of the predictable Ro Khanna, all the sourcing is anonymous -- until you get way, way down in the story where a Biden campaign spokesperson, Ammar Moussa, gets to finally point out all the failures of the Trump administration. I'm so sick of this.

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Have you seen Brian Beutlers new series "Decoding the News"? He's breaking down how news articles like this are all too common but just like you've figured out yourself, once you understand the games they play, you can better understand the spin and gain a better picture of the story thats being reported.

I saw it through his new Substack "Off Message" which is free right now. If you don't know Brian, he's the Editor in Chief for Crooked and a top notch political analyst.

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I'm probably going to subscribe -- I'd been reading his "Big Tent" columns for quite a while, and while I don't always agree with him, he usually makes me think.

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I moved from Washington to Idaho, and as I was looking for work in Boise, I was astonished at the low minimum wage (working for non-profits is not a high-wage endeavor). I was making $6 an hour doing data entry for Idaho Rivers United, and this was when I learned about "right-to-work" states that basically created a system of at-will employment. We need to get rid of these laws and reinvigorate unions in earnest. It's helpful that Joe is somewhat pro-union, but he and we need to go much further.

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Get em Joe! Cut him at his knees on every issue!

-Trump is out for his rich friends

-Trump is old and cognitively waning

-Trump is a criminal defendant with publicly available open and shut cases

-Trump leads a band of obstructionists that have hijacked the House of Reps and refuse to fund our government

-Trump wants a national abortion ban to help set back woman's rights and create a vast working class that can be more easily controlled than a better educated and less stressed population with more time and energy to work towards democratic policies that dont keep billionaire boots on our necks.

I don't care what sticks. Just throw it at him forever until people get the picture.

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Unions, ideally, are strong when government fails to protect labor from capitalist overreach. Government intervenes, ideally, when unions go a bridge too far.

"Right to work" states (prominently among them southern states that abhor equal voting rights, a sustainable minimum wage, and Medicare/Medicaid coverage) assure capital markets what they demand - access to the lowest possible wages. Also no "cause" employee termination, and, not infrequently, a wink and a nod to worker mistreatment.

Faithful Biden works on behalf of all Americans. Trump, on the other hand shamefully deceives his hard-working blue collar base, falsely holding himself out as the one who will provide their daily bread, attend to them in sickness, disability and lay-offs. The southern-led Freedom Caucus is the marker of what a blue collar worker should expect from Trump - zip. Red State voters do their families and children no favors by backing faithless Trump.

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This is where the media really fell down on the job - during the Meet the Press interview when Trump made his pitch about going to support the auto workers, he did so by attacking the union leadership, not the corporate leadership- but the big media companies and well paid on screen talent all lauded Trump for standing up for workers.

They aren’t stupid, so they understood what he did, they just chose not to make the distinction - because Trump gets clicks. They just don’t care about the deleterious effects of Trump’s authoritarianism, because they believe their wealth insulates them.

Of course, as we saw this weekend, Trump still goes after them with ever increasing vitriol and threats. Will the media respond to the direct threat to the free press? Not bloody likely.

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Yes, Donald, 2, 3, 5% raises are going to lead to workers making more than the owners. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The brazen stupidity of the things this man says astounds me, and yet nearly one third of the country is in his cult.

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Smart to go. Now everyone needs to start saying that the reason there's so much economic anxiety is because one party--and you know which one--is threatening a government shutdown. That faction is unstable, chaotic, and crazy. You want certainty and stability? There's only one party that offers that.

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I'm sure none of the people listening to trump talk will be union members. It's all theater with the idiot.

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I'm anticipating great visuals out of all this. Trump always looks like someone apart, either a fish out of water being tended to by his handlers (like when buying/not-buying a gun), or someone believing himself above it all with creepy cultists in now laughably cheap identical t-shirts behind him. Biden, on the other hand, always looks like someone connected and authentic, whether it's his mega-watt smile and aviators, a tender moment of compassion, or the humor of Dark Brandon. He will genuinely connect with strikers, and it will show. And no one has to be fully engaged in politics and the news to see it.

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