Looks like the Florida door knocking fundraiser has met their goal- I personally think Arizona is the critical 2nd path to our win, so I recommend donating there!!
Yes please to AZ! Have been poll watching and canvassing out here since last week. I’m in the heart of Maricopa County and we’ve gotta get more folks to turn out!
Maybe a long shot, but if anyone happens to be in southeast Michigan, the Washtenaw Dems are looking for more volunteer poll greeters to make sure people know who's been endorsed down ticket - https://www.mobilize.us/washtenawdems/
Thanks Dan, appreciate those targeted donation links. Took off work Monday-Tuesday so I could wrap up this cycle with a 4-day phone banking marathon. Thanks to you and the PSA/VSA team for inspiring me to roll up my sleeves and get involved!
I’m an expat in the U.K. and our wannabe Trump Nigel Farage has just announced he is starting a new party...we all know how well that ended the last time he did it. Is there anything to stop Trump from going that route if he loses...seems to me that with his cult numbers and their blind loyalty, he could cause untold damage that way. Please tell me I’m wrong...
A friend of mine (Chris Tackett) has been looking at the Texas voting data and (although its way over my head) it seems like a huge wild card right now. Beto and Powered by People are still looking for phone bank volunteers.
It seems to me that we usually know who the winner is when one candidate concedes. You don't have to be a strategy genius to refuse to concede, and that refusal would fit well with Trump's narcissism. What happens if he refuses to concede, even when the numbers are clearly against him? I worry that journalists will cover the "horse race" and implicitly support the idea that there could be reason not to concede. It'd be more like Trump's consistent muddying of the waters than a strategy. I just don't see anyone putting effective pressure on him to give up, and I'm not confident our country is well prepared for that.
So I make $65,000 a year as a teacher (which is good for my area) and I have already given more money to dems this year than Trump paid in taxes last year. Now I am off to give more (thanks for the links).
Just got off the phone with Texas voters (Thank you Beto for the inspiration). There they may not agree with you, but they still call you ma'am. Not really sure how I feel about that.
So much work to do once we win this thing. If the republicans only way to win is by subverting democracy, they truly are a dying party (not just the party of death). So either they need to go the Phoenix route (and be reborn a la House of Gryffindor) or join the Whigs in the dustbin of history and parties we no longer talk about. Maybe the "Know Nothings" is a better comparison.
Thanks for the update. Looking forward to kicking their collective old angry white man asses on Tuesday.
Worried that another GOP strategy will be to frame super high non-affiliated and first time voter turn out in TX (and maybe other places) as the same type of fraud he claimed was happening in 2016. Dems already thought of that, right?
Looks like the Florida door knocking fundraiser has met their goal- I personally think Arizona is the critical 2nd path to our win, so I recommend donating there!!
Yes please to AZ! Have been poll watching and canvassing out here since last week. I’m in the heart of Maricopa County and we’ve gotta get more folks to turn out!
Maybe a long shot, but if anyone happens to be in southeast Michigan, the Washtenaw Dems are looking for more volunteer poll greeters to make sure people know who's been endorsed down ticket - https://www.mobilize.us/washtenawdems/
Thanks Dan, appreciate those targeted donation links. Took off work Monday-Tuesday so I could wrap up this cycle with a 4-day phone banking marathon. Thanks to you and the PSA/VSA team for inspiring me to roll up my sleeves and get involved!
I’m an expat in the U.K. and our wannabe Trump Nigel Farage has just announced he is starting a new party...we all know how well that ended the last time he did it. Is there anything to stop Trump from going that route if he loses...seems to me that with his cult numbers and their blind loyalty, he could cause untold damage that way. Please tell me I’m wrong...
A friend of mine (Chris Tackett) has been looking at the Texas voting data and (although its way over my head) it seems like a huge wild card right now. Beto and Powered by People are still looking for phone bank volunteers.
It seems to me that we usually know who the winner is when one candidate concedes. You don't have to be a strategy genius to refuse to concede, and that refusal would fit well with Trump's narcissism. What happens if he refuses to concede, even when the numbers are clearly against him? I worry that journalists will cover the "horse race" and implicitly support the idea that there could be reason not to concede. It'd be more like Trump's consistent muddying of the waters than a strategy. I just don't see anyone putting effective pressure on him to give up, and I'm not confident our country is well prepared for that.
So I make $65,000 a year as a teacher (which is good for my area) and I have already given more money to dems this year than Trump paid in taxes last year. Now I am off to give more (thanks for the links).
Just got off the phone with Texas voters (Thank you Beto for the inspiration). There they may not agree with you, but they still call you ma'am. Not really sure how I feel about that.
So much work to do once we win this thing. If the republicans only way to win is by subverting democracy, they truly are a dying party (not just the party of death). So either they need to go the Phoenix route (and be reborn a la House of Gryffindor) or join the Whigs in the dustbin of history and parties we no longer talk about. Maybe the "Know Nothings" is a better comparison.
Thanks for the update. Looking forward to kicking their collective old angry white man asses on Tuesday.
Great article, Dan! Thanks for the links to direct monetary help to specific areas where it’s most needed.
Worried that another GOP strategy will be to frame super high non-affiliated and first time voter turn out in TX (and maybe other places) as the same type of fraud he claimed was happening in 2016. Dems already thought of that, right?