Don’t forget undermining NATO (maybe pulling out altogether), cutting off aid to Ukraine, and giving the nod to Putin to attack other European countries and Xi to attack Taiwan. Also supporting petrostates, particularly Russia and Saudi Arabia, against efforts to combat climate change. The stakes are thus incredibly high for the world, not just the US.

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I have to say.... I don't understand why the MSM isn't reporting about Trump's plans if/when he regains the presidency, and I can't believe people can be nostalgic about the 'pre-pandemic' economy without realizing that it was, in fact, the pandemic that caused most of the economic upheaval that occurred after 2019. I mean, are people today really this brain-dead?

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I agree with all of this but would add the possible nomination of 2 more conservative Supreme Court justices! If Republicans win the senate, which is likely, I have no doubt Thomas and Alito would retire so they don’t have to deal with all of the scrutiny anymore. And that would mean even more decades of conservative rule on the court! And Trump would then have 5!!! picks to the Supreme Court! And who knows what damage they could do. Just look at the damage they’ve already done! To me this is a HUGE reason to vote for Democrats that I don’t see being talked about anywhere.

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And don't think Trump, the GOP, Fox News and others won't be blaming Biden and his woke agenda for causing all these unfortunate events.

"I alone can fix this." Whaaat?!? You alone CAUSED all this!!!

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Thanks Dan. I was almost having a good morning. One thing to add: no shot at doing a damn thing about climate change and all the other environmental calamities that are already occurring. As waters rise the numbers of refugees generated by climate and corollary conflicts around the world will inspire misery and violence for as long as we do nothing to respond. Trump will definitely do nothing.

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Thank you for this. I'm always looking for good summaries of all that President Biden has accomplished to share with anyone who might wish to understand better the chasm of difference between this and the last administration, and the dire situation we are in. I printed this one to hand out. It is terrifying how little so many Americans really understand about today's political situation...

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I’m gonna print it out too! Too many daft commenters on X and WaPo and NYTIMES that have selective memory. It is really scary.

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Me too.

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I was reading a NYT article about the perceived rise in crime, and how other than in New York, which has had a spike, crime is down across the country. I think that the perception is partly due to houselessness and assumptions about people who are living in cars, encampments, and RVs. Gov. Kotek is making this a top priority in Oregon, but the resistance to solutions is an obstacle. I also think that the cost of rent and food are both contributing to peoples' perception of the economy. Certainly, Trump won't do anything about those, and I think Biden's challenge is to show the connective tissue between his economic recovery and improvements in these key areas.

I know that our situation, while relatively stable, hasn't improved a whole lot yet. Our retirement is still at a net loss, and with my husband's retirement looming, this is really troubling, particularly as I have a LOT of student loan debt. Cancellation of student debt would go a long way toward us having a retirement. As it stands, I will probably work until I keel over. Not great, Dan.

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I'm hoping for you!

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I do not believe that the majority of voters will endorse a political party that has radically turned right. Trump is going all in, not only on political issues but also on his legal issues. As we get further along with the trials and the primaries, Trump's view of the world will be shown to be too far right, especially compared to the calm and effective way that Biden works. Side by side messaging is effective. The message will have to be to not vote for any Republicans, since they all vow allegiance to Trump. Most voters don't want authoritarianism, people going to jail for driving someone across a state border to get an abortion, banning books, kids in cages (again), banning birth control, a state endorsed religion, racism, etc. Let the looneys keep showing everyone what they want. People may be tired of Biden v Trump, and may want younger politicians, but they won't vote for the radical right. It won't be easy, but it is doable.

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The margin of a Biden and Democratic wins may be impacted by low turnout among younger voters. Upset on one issue, so they may decide stay home/not vote. They tend to rely on social media for their information. So play to their issues esp. Democrats' accomplishments re student loans (some relief, not all) and abortion, and storm social media platforms. Conversations with Gen Zers very important.

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How is it that Republicans can troop through a wet cow pasture, track their manure throughout all of government, then run—sometimes successfully—as the party vowing to clean things up?

If the Democrats can effectively message what Dan has written (while adding the items added here by beckya57, Tony Brunello, and Vickie) that’s a terrific approach. Notice the greater effect Dan achieves not just by listing the issues, but by illustrating the damage they do to people and society.

Match that with an agenda for the future, with goals the country needs to reach to contrast the MAGA GOP issues. Each and every item on the MAGA agenda is a low-polling outlier. (Except one: the border. Dems have got to accept serious compromise on the border, perhaps as a trade-off on the Ukraine / Israel / Palestine aid bill. Otherwise it’s a serious vulnerability).

And maybe a reminder of the Trump chaos, four years of the constant hair-on-fire stress.

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Anybody.... what is a restack?

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