Hi C.P, I’m 81 years old, and to use your word, there’s nothing fucking wrong with my brain. I’ve never been sharper ! Guess it must be all those years of acquired knowledge and amazing experience.

Which makes me 20 years smarter than you, as it seems.

After watching this split screen, Biden doesn’t need to campaign, just pull up the section from his SOTU speech on any topic, and then run any chosen occasion when Trump speaks… in which he never really says anything. It’s so

fucking clear who has a brain.

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Fun Fact 1: If Dumbo is elected and lives full term, he will end up being the oldest president ever, right? Then why the hell is there such a big deal about the useless “AGE ISSUE”, knowing that whoever is elected will end up being the oldest president ever? Besides that, Biden is an effective leader, and dump is of course………..dump.

Fun Fact 2: The age of the last three presidents to die were Bush1 – 94, Ford – 93, and Reagan – 93. Current living Presidents are Carter – 100 this year, Clinton, Bush2, and dump all 78 this year. Obama is 63 this year and President Biden will be 82 two weeks after the election.

Fun Fact 3: The current average longevity of men is 78, by which metric the last three presidents to die outlived the average by +16, +15 and +15 years respectively. Jimmy Carter has outlived the average by +22 years. The healthcare afforded Presidents is the very best in the world in and out of office.

Fun Fact 4: Dump will achieve average longevity this year at 78, and we all know he is below average in all things except his weight. He does fit the profile of an unhealthy lifestyle, which could leave him with a below average age at death. All of this may mean absolutely nothing, but then again, at a minimum, some fun facts and something to think about. What do you think?

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I am a 76 year old woman. My body is not as strong as it used to be, sometimes it takes me a few minutes to recall a memory, and I need a little help with housekeeping, BUT I definitely know a con-man when I see one. President Biden has both the experience and the assistance he needs to continue. We are at a crossroad. President Biden’s accomplishments to date have been astounding.

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I wish we could eliminate the word "entitlements" when talking about various benefits, such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Entitlement means to have a right to something (a positive connotation), but it also means that you believe you're inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment (a negative connotation). Most people pick up on the negative connotation. Words have meaning. I'm against raising the age limit, decreasing the benefits and most importantly, privatizing these benefits because financial institutions do not have our best interests at heart and don't need more revenue. I am in favor of eliminating the wage cap ($168,600 for 2024), or at least significantly raising it. This would provide much needed funding for these programs. Disclosure: I'm retired and receive Social Security and I've been paying into it since I was 16 years old. I retired at 69, and while it is my right to receive Social Security it isn't a special privilege.

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Here’s what I’m saying to my MAGA family who lose their minds if I ever even mention that trump is less than a god, “Depending on the outcome of the election, there is a good chance your monthly Social Security and Medicare benefits could be cut or even disappear completely. So, now would be a good time to start looking at your budget to figure out how you could survive without it.”

On the socials, I’ll also attach one of these links and will change my wording to encouraging my contacts to reach out to anyone on a fixed income that relies on these programs so they can figure out how their budget will be affected. It sort of sounds like the Joe Lieberman (weak and marginally effective at best) of messaging but it’s the best way to make my point without being completely tuned out.

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I’m reading C.J. Sansom’s Tombland, set in 16th C England during the aftermath of Henry VIII’s death. A recurring theme of the novel is the view of the landed class that the first aim of an economy is to allow gentlemen to live like gentlemen—it’s tough to be poor and all, but what can you do? The Republican view of “entitlements” is exactly the same—Social Security and Medicare shouldn’t get in the way of the well-off living as high as they can and of passing on as much wealth as they can. Consequently, rather than shore up and expand entitlements, they must be cut. This perspective is literally medieval.

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I'm a 73, a retired teacher and retired USCG/USN. Entitlements? Yes I'm ENTITLED to my pensions and social security because I EARNED the first two and PAID for the second!

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Having a speech

impediment as a young person, Biden’s has worked hard to overcome his stuttering. When he gets an ‘attack’, by the time he’s back in control he can sometimes drop a word making him appear forgetful, and a great place for the

‘attack reporters’ to

delightful swoop in.

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Folks, ignore the obvious jerks that are trying to keep us from communicating with each other.

We can ignore them when they’re obviously trying to hog the conversation.

This is a great space for us to share ideas.

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I wonder if there is an angle that the trump team is betting on for younger voters - entitlements are for those baby boomers, old people like Biden- or something like that? I always wonder what analytics the right gets after the Cambridge Analytica deep dive that went on in 2015 - are they appealing to young voters that can’t afford housing - the life their parents had - is it an appeal to young latino voters. There is so little policy ever mentioned - why this now? At the same time CEPAC is calling the AARP demonic. I know his reversal on TikTok was transactional - but is he also appealing to young voters - a challenge for Biden and the democrats - curious about the unanimous senate vote on that and Biden’s declaration that he will sign it. Do we have any view into those echo chambers - are there analysts on the side of democracy that have a view into the myriad of information silos? We often have reports on right wing disinformation, but see very little on the disinformation on the left - that especially affects younger voters. Ok I will take off my tinfoil hat now.

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I assume from reading these posts that lots here don’t believe something extremely important:

The US will no longer be a democracy if TFG is elected.

Really does anything else matter.

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Lots of the cnbc moderators are fairly progressive, but the host you mentioned definitely isn’t.

Problem: An investment channel has to keep the attention of a mostly conservative audience. The rich can’t relate and live in their own world. The poor don’t have the resources to find better news outlets.

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delightfully swoop in

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First off, Fat Donny will privatize Social Security and Medicare. Bank on it.

Second, we agree on a lot, but:

I'm 61, 20 years younger than Biden and he's too fucking old.

86% of America agrees with me. 86%.

We agree on nothing to that level of engagement. Even the poll listed in Dan's article shows 72%-ish want someone younger.

When did America agree on anything at a 70%+ level and still get nothing?? Nothing! Nothing for you, it will be Biden.

Just like It Will Be Hillary 2016.

I'm forgetting more than I used to. I don't have the same focus or energy. I can't find words as fast as I used to.

This is not entertaining to observe, discuss or admit publicly. It's also incredibly frustrating when we watch eloquent, articulate leaders wither.

I'm 61. I know what I'm saying.

Oh, and Gaza. Ukraine. Yemen, Somalia, Venezuela, Taiwan, Money In Politics, every other fucking thing we are not even discussing because we're still fucking talking about age.

People will follow Biden if he offers an end to this constant bullshit, not a Democrat Party Platter. The Party Platter changes nothing in government.

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*Further comment as promised/threatened:

So much spice. So very much. Biden vs Trump and there is no other world now, everything must fit that worldview.

Here is my experience. Maybe other non-Democrats can relate.

Independents: We want reform!


Independents: Ok, let's start with money--

Democrats: lol no

Independents: But you said--


Independents: Hang on, we're not seeing you do any kind of--


Independents: ... fuck.

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